Modeling & External Geometry
Saghafi, Lavimi (2019) present nose and tail equations for the radius distribution of axisymmetric geometries, optimized for reducing viscous drag, stagnation pressure ahead of the nose and recirculation aft of the tail.
The equations for the nose and tail geometries are parameterized by the lengths of these sections, the maximum diameter of the body and, for the tail, a characteristic arc angle.
The reference keeps the total length constant. Here, in order to evaluate the influence of the torpedo length on the directional stability in free launch, a systematic variation of the length of the cylindrical section will be applied, parameterized by multiples of the maximum diameter. Three geometries were modeled, with cylindrical midbody lengths of 1, 2 and 5 times the maximum diameter
The points that define the external geometry and the cavity for buoyancy adjustment were generated in Octave, converted into a three-dimensional model via SolidWorks modeling.